9. Your obligations

  1. It is your responsibility to ensure that information or documentation provided by you to Vault is correct, accurate, complete, up-to-date, and not misleading in any respect, and that you have notified Vault of any information which could be relevant to the performance of Vault’s duties under this Agreement. You will indemnify us and hold us harmless from any liability arising out of any failure by you to provide us with any information or documents that we request, as well as for any error, omission, inadequacy, or inaccuracy in any information and/or documents that you provide to us.

  2. You acknowledge that Vault will be relying on the information or documents provided by you to Vault. You will promptly advise Vault of any material change in your financial circumstances. Until such time that Vault is advised of these changes, you acknowledge that Vault shall rely on your Investment Strategy as communicated to us.

  3. You will be responsible for all tax returns, filings and reports on any transactions undertaken pursuant to this Agreement and for the payment of all unpaid capital calls, taxes or other liability arising out of, or in connection with, the investments accessed through your Vault Account.

  4. You will provide to Vault any documents and information that Vault may require to comply with the requirements of relevant anti-money laundering laws.

  5. You acknowledge that borrowing money to finance a contribution into your Broker Account or other investments accessed through your Vault Account involves the risk that the value of your capital investment will go down such that you will have insufficient funds to repay the capital of the loan. Any returns on your capital may be insufficient to meet interest due on the loan. If you borrow money to make a contribution, it is your sole responsibility to repay the loan and pay interest as required by the loan’s term. The obligation to pay back the loan will remain even if the value of the investments accessed through your Vault Account and Broker Account declines. We strongly recommend against you borrowing to fund an investment with Vault.

Last updated