10. Instructions and communication
Instructions may be given through electronic communication, including but not limited to email or via your Vault Account, or by scheduling a call via your Vault dashboard, but in any case, instructions are only received, acknowledged and acted upon once you complete a multi-factor authentication process. Once an instruction is received, relayed to Broker, and executed, Vault will confirm the execution to you through written communication. All written communications should be directed to Vault’s registered office at the address set in this Agreement and on our Website. Complaints should be notified to Vault in accordance with clause 21.
Vault shall be entitled to act on any instructions reasonably believed to be from you or an authorized representative of you. It is your responsibility to keep the security details applicable to your Vault Account and Broker Account safe and not share them with any other person. Where you have any reason to suspect that your security details have or might be compromised, you must contact us immediately.
You acknowledge that:
Vault may not accept instructions until it is able to satisfy itself that the instructions originated from you or an authorized representative of you; and
Vault will not be responsible for any losses or loss of opportunity due to any delays arising from Vault confirming the validity of instructions or the accuracy of instructions where they are in Vault’s opinion, unclear.
Vault shall not be responsible for the advisability or suitability of transactions made at your instruction where: Vault has indicated that such a transaction is not advisable and/or suitable for you, or (ii) Vault is acting on an Execution-Only Basis (i.e., Vault will pass on your instructions to Broker on your behalf without providing any advice or recommendations regarding the suitability or appropriateness of those transactions). Where Vault provides you with a recommendation to take a step or action in connection with your Vault Account and you do not do so, Vault shall not be responsible for the consequence of your failure to do so.
Vault, in its sole discretion, may refuse to act on an instruction given by you or your authorised representative, where:
it has reason to doubt the validity of the instruction;
the instruction is not capable of being carried out on the Vault platform;
or the instruction is inconsistent with the Recommended Allocation.
Vault will not be obliged to deal with any person to whom you may have disposed or otherwise assigned or transferred to or encumbered any funds, assets or other entitlements accessed through your Vault Account.
Where you have opened a joint Vault Account, Vault will only comply with instructions received from the person who registered the joint Vault Account and regard such instructions, without further enquiry, as being authorized by all of the named Vault Account holders.
Transaction statements, valuation reports and other summary reports on the Vault Account and reports or investment commentary as Vault may choose to provide, will be provided electronically to you by email to the address provided by you or via your dashboard. At any time, if you require these documents in a format other than email, or if you need a statement directly from Broker, they can be provided upon request. Vault and/or Broker may charge a reasonable fee for this service.
All communications between you and Vault must be in English. By entering into this Agreement, you confirm that you can read and understand the English language. If you are in doubt as to the meaning of any clause in any document that we provide to you, please seek independent advice.
Last updated